Before we get into our focus, we want to be clear on what the conventional chiropractor is attempting to accomplish with their care. Typically they try to:

  1. Increase range of motion
  2. Reduce muscular spasm
  3. Temporary relieve pain

In our opinion those are some EXCELLENT goals and most chiropractors are great at obtaining them, but we are unique…

At Structural Chiropractic our objective and our focus is

Structural Correction.

Most of the cases that we see in our office, which are commonly by referral from other local chiropractors and medical doctors, are for the correction of significant Structural Shifts of the spine. The presence of one or more Structural Shifts of the spine is typically the underlying cause of many “symptoms”— or what Structural doctors refer to as Secondary Conditions. Structural Correction focuses on the underlying cause- the Structural Shift.


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